How menopause affects the brain
Menopause is becoming a much bigger topic than ever. At least 75% of women will experience menopause symptoms and yet not many of us fully understand them. Although this is a natural process that women may experience in their life, this is also a very big one.
At this stage, a woman no longer experiences menstrual cycles nor is able to become pregnant. As the average age of women who experience menopause is 52, this is not such bad news after all. It’s worth noting that it isn’t a change that happens simply overnight, but in fact, takes several years.
As a result of the changes in hormone levels, women experience many symptoms such as weight gain, hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia and night sweats.
The emotional side effects however, are some of the hardest ones to manage, and although all of these symptoms can affect simple day-to-day tasks, not many women know what to do to help ease these symptoms.
Cognitive decline or in other words ‘Brain Fog’ is seen commonly as a woman transitions into menopause. This is where it can become confusing and overwhelming, as a woman simply will not feel her normal self. This along with the emotional side effects can really make the menopause stages extremely uncomfortable.
It is important to start educating yourselves and taking action before the menopause stages start in order to be aware of what can arise and how to minimize the symptoms.
Cognitive Decline / Brain Fog
Brain fog is a very common symptom that women may experience as they begin their menopause. Many are familiar with brain fog and its symptoms, as it can happen for many other reasons such as depression, lack of sleep, medication, diet and more.
Symptoms included as part of brain fog are:
- Forgetfulness
- Difficulty concentrating
- Inability to think clearly or problem solve
- Confusion
- Delayed verbal memory
- Reduced verbal processing speed
- Impaired verbal learning
A woman has two main hormones which play an important role in cognition and memory. The two hormones are estrogen and testosterone.
Estrogen levels drop during menopause, however it is needed to stimulate the brain and help to support new and existing cells. Studies have shown an overall reduction of brain energy when the estrogen levels drop and so it contributes to the cognitive symptoms mentioned above.
How to manage brain fog symptoms?
The good news is that there are many ways to support your brain’s health and the sooner you start to focus on this, the easier the menopause symptoms will be. Looking at things like diet, sleeping patterns, exercise and particular natural supplements can all support this process of easing brain fog.
A healthy diet
Healthy and balanced eating is something everyone should be conscious of integrating into their lifestyle, especially when going through menopause. Having a rich brain-friendly diet by consuming polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as Omega 3 and Omega 6 is highly recommended. They are typically found in eggs, fish, nuts and seeds
Antioxidants which you can find in vitamins such as A, C and E are also very important to have in your diet, as they help to minimize the effects of free radicals, which contribute to damaging cells causing illnesses and aging. Due to the drop in hormone levels, the brain and body has less energy, meaning it needs more support to be able to fight against free radicals and minimize the negative impact of them on your cells.

Going for a run or a long walk is a great place to start when helping to keep the body fit (alongside a healthy diet of course!). It can already be difficult to complete certain day to day tasks during menopause due to many other symptoms, so it is not expected for you to go to the gym and start aggressively lifting weights.
Being physically active can improve brain health, help to manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve ability to do everyday activities.
Just start small and build consistency to begin with.
Deep sleep
It is important to get as much restful and deep sleep as possible. It may be difficult due to experiencing other menopause symptoms such as night sweats, but it is highly recommended to always stick to the sleep routine and ensure you get around 8 hours of sleep.
Deep sleep is when all the toxins and impurities are removed, so this phase of sleep is important to keep the brain healthy.
For this reason, it’s wise to take steps to improve your sleep habits, such as limiting screen time before bed, keeping your bedroom cool, dark and comfortable, and using lavender pillow sprays or aromatherapy oils to help you feel calm and relaxed.
Taking supplements
When your body enters menopause, it typically becomes depleted of certain vitamins and minerals. As nutritional needs become sky high, it is also worth noting that there are many herbal and natural substances that can help to significantly reduce, and in some cases eradicate, some menopause symptoms.
There are many premium ingredients found in this Advanced Menopause Complex which have been shown to reduce brain fog, providing a restful sleep, enhancing mood and relaxation.